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The Silent Killer: More than a bug bite

19 setembro, 2019

Dr. Roy Madigan was interviewed by News4 San Antonio in an article about T Cruzi.

JAVMA Publishes Vida Pharmacal Paper

1 agosto, 2019

JAVMA published Dr. Madigan’s investigation of using amiodarone and itraconazole to treat Chagas disease. Check out the August 1 issue of JAVMA.

PAHO Issues New Guide for Diagnosis and Treatment of Chagas Disease

14 janeiro, 2019

To improve detection and management of the disease, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has published a new Guide for Diagnosis and Treatment of Chagas Disease (currently available only in Spanish).

Chagas Disease in Working Dogs Along Texas-Mexico Border

3 novembro, 2018

Chagas disease, caused by the vector-borne protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, is increasingly recognized in the southern U.S. Government-owned working dogs along the Texas-Mexico border could be at heightened risk.

A New Strategy to Undermine Big Pharma’s Price Gouging Actually Worked

7 setembro, 2017

A little-known disease called Chagas is much more prevalent than Zika. Here’s how advocates fought an uphill battle, and won.

Hunting Hidden Parasites: Trypanosoma cruzi

19 agosto, 2017

Pathogens are not aware of international borders, including pathogens that cause emerging and neglected tropical diseases. Although Chagas disease is endemic to Latin America, where it affects around 5.7 million people, it is now a disease of global concern mainly because of the movement of human populations. The original article can be found at